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Cleaning your Solar Panels in 3 Easy Steps.

Updated: Feb 15

When it is time to clean your solar modules, you can either choose to do it yourself or hire a professional to do the job. If you would like a professional to do the job, contact either Pro Solar Clean or Pura Vida Solar.

For those do-it-yourselfer's, the best time to get your solar panels cleaned is in the morning before they get too hot and as an added bonus, the morning dew can soften the particles on top of the solar panel before you get started.

It is always a good idea to check with the manufacturer of the solar panel to check if they have a specific or recommended cleaning manual on how to clean their panels.

If you are a 'do-it-yourself' person, here is the process to cleaning your solar system:

1) Assemble Equipment

Assemble all the needed equipment to clean your solar panels. This will include

attaching the garden hose to the RV brush, setting the ladder in a safe place to

access to the roof and assembling any and all safety equipment. Do not use a pressure washer as the high pressure can break seals on the modules and cause lasting damage.

Recommended Materials:

1. Garden Hose.

2. Ladder.

3. Safety equipment

4. Soft Bristle RV Brush with water flow through. (We personally would recommend one with an on/off valve for the water.)

2) Clean you Solar Modules

Thinking through a plan of action for cleaning your panels before getting on the roof can save time, water, and keep you out of harms way.

Panels should be cleaned from top to bottom so the dirt and particles can naturally run off of the panels. Once the panels are wet, it is difficult to see areas that you have missed, so it is important to move in a methodical manner.

Start cleaning in a top corner of the solar system and move the brush across the panel in a smooth motion with constant pressure. (We recommend not using soap or any other cleaning solutions as they can potentially damage modules. Water and a good scrub should do the trick!) Pollen and other particles may need further attention. Pay particular attention to the lower edge of the modules where dirt builds up from gravity and rain. Also be sure to remove any debris under your array as accumulated leaves, and pine needles for example can be a fire hazard. Most importantly, make sure to stay safe! Slow and steady is always the way to go.

3) See the Results!

We typically see an increase in energy production between 5-15%. Results tend to be higher the dirtier the modules are. It is recommended to clean your solar panels at least once per year. If you have a system that has a low pitch (flatter), your array is in a dusty area (ie field), or you have a large number of trees nearby, we recommend you clean the system more often.

From the system we cleaned on August 11, 2018 (pictures above) we saw around 10% increase in production. The chart below shows some of the best results we have seen from a professionally cleaned system. An almost 50% production increase!

Until next time!

First Response Solar

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